Maintenance and repairs

Yesterday I worked on my friend’s car. We were worried that it had a blown head gasket, but after talking to a guy at work, he suggested that I replace the oil regulation sensor first, and flush out the oil and radiator fluid.

I got home from work and got changed so I could work on the car. My head was still spinning from the work day, and I wasn’t paying full attention to what I was doing. I dropped the new part, and it managed to fall into the car’s elaborate air intake system, and I ended up spending two hours taking off the wheel, front bumper and many nuts and bolts to take the blasted thing apart to get back the part that I needed. After many swear words and shakes of my head at my clumsiness, I retrieved the part, and set to work bolting it on, to replace the broken one. After I replaced the module, I drained the oil, replaced the oil filter, and then flushed out the radiator, which had become a brown mess from the leaked oil. After filling the radiator with fresh coolant, and the engine with new oil, I double checked to make sure everything was fastened down where it should be. I lowered the car back off the jacks, and fired the old girl up. To my relief there were no leaks and the new part seemed to be holding on just fine. I texted my friend to let him know that the car was fixed, and he was ecstatic to find out that I had saved him a fortune on repair bills.

To pay me for the work I did, I said he just owed me dinner. I was starving after a full day of work, and my wife had been home for a couple hours already, waiting for me to get done. So I took a shower and we headed over to the place that my friend works and we had dinner. Those pork chops and mashed potatoes never tasted so good, especially washed down with a good beer. Brooke enjoyed her meal also, and found the cocktail to be the she had ever tasted.

All in all, it was a busy but productive day, and everyone was happy. Even though I had clumsily dropped the part, I kept my cool and eventually retrieved it. I saved my friend a great deal of money by doing the work for him, and I got a good meal out of it. All is well that ends well. Sometimes you just have to get down and dirty and do a little maintenance and repairs. And afterwards, through the hard work and the frustrations, everything turns out right as rain.

The evil of Israel

I wrote this article almost three years ago now. When I wrote it, I was still diving down the rabbit hole of truth. Indeed, I still am, but I do not have a hatred of Israel, like I did when I wrote it. I’ll explain after you read this article. – Paul Townsend 12/17/14

Today marks the 64th anniversary of Israel as a nation state. Many media organizations will glorify this and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that “For many around the world, Israel remains a beacon of hope and an inspiring example”.

For many though, it is a day of mourning, a loss of liberty and freedom, of a homeland and the dream of living independently. For the Palestinians, it is yet another year marked by savage occupation.

We have been led to believe that Israel is a source of goodness and hope in the world, yet the truth is bloody and brutal.

Israel and the occupation of Palestine:

Many argue that the Jews should have a homeland, and while I don’t disagree with that, I do not believe that it should be on Palestinian territory. These people have been displaced and terrorized for 64 years now. They have been shot at, bombed, and their lands have been taken from them.

Many adults are killed each year in what is left of Palestinian territory, and along with them, many children are killed each year also.

Many claim that Israel is America’s greatest ally, and yet we send millions of dollars to Israel every day, while they send PR groups to America to control the media and even our politicians. Zionist controlled Israel is in fact Americas biggest enemy. Imagine if the Zionist controlled media continues to guide us to war with Iran:

I do not hate Jews, I am not anti-Semitic. I believe our true enemy in the world today is Zionism. The Zionists are the people behind the current misery in the world. I believe that the Palestinians should have their land back, or at least a sizable amount of it. If the UN can mandate that a country be created out of thin air, then why not have it in Asia or Africa, instead of the middle east? In the early 1900’s this was a proposition from the British government, but the zionists did not want that, they wanted to take over the land of Palestine. It was a plan in the making, and it has now come into fruition. It is evil and has done nothing for peace in the region.

Many in the media twist the truth to make the Palestinians look evil, and call them ‘terror groups’, all the while it is the Israelis who are terrorizing and occupying Palestinian lands.

I cannot support Israel because it goes against my belief in human independence, freedom and dignity.

Now that you have had a chance to read this, I would like to point out that while the creation of the state of Israel by the United Nations, and the subsequent actions of the Israelis in taking over the land from the Palestinians may have in many ways been evil, the young men and women who are born there today are not. Those who are my age live in that country, and know of nothing else. They are peaceful, they are civil, they are capitalists. The Palestinians, led by Hamas, are not. Hamas is an evil extremist entity, with ties to communism. I cannot support what is left of current day Palestine under the leadership of Hamas, despite my feeling sorry for their loss of land. Their actions have been their undoing. I feel it would be far better for them to move away from the land entirely and start elsewhere, just as the Israelis did many decades ago. It is a shame, in many ways, but fighting against the Israelis has never, and will never work, and will only continue to cause death and destruction.  – Paul Townsend 12/17/14

The uncomfortable truth

Each day, I research different stories from a variety of sources. As I’ve stated before, I do not pay much attention to the mainstream media, as it is all agenda driven garbage. One of the independent sources that I follow is . Mike Rivero does an excellent job of finding stories from many different news organizations and blogs, and displays links to them daily on his website.

Today he wrote about an uncomfortable truth about Nazi Germany, Israel, the USA and Iran, and what they all have, or do not have in common:

Here is the uncomfortable truth.

Invades other
Lied to justify invasion YES YES YES NO
Concentration camps YES YES YES NO
Targets a religious minority YES YES YES NO
Violates Treaties YES YES YES NO
World leader in weapons technology YES YES YES NO

The Nazis attacked and invaded other nations. So does the United States. So does Israel.Iran has not initiated a war in over 200 years.

The Nazis lied to start wars (Gliewitz). So does theUnited States (Saddam’s nukes). So does Israel (Iran’s nukes). Not having invaded anyone, Iran did not need to lie about it.

The NAZIS had slave-labor camps. The United States has a huge and growing prison-labor industry. Israel has Ansar III. Iran has no equivalent.

The NAZIs targeted a religious minority, Jews. The United States currently targets Muslims. Israel is an apartheid state. All religions live under equal protection in Iran to the point where Jews living in Iran refused a financial offer by the Israelis to relocate to Israel.

The NAZIs broke many treaties including the treaty of Versailles and the Munich agreement. The United States has violated numerous treaties including the START treaty and the NNPT. Israel violated the 1979 treaty with Egypt, and avoided violating the NNPT by refusing to sign it, even though Israel is building nuclear weapons and was exposed for trying to sell one to South Africa.

The NAZIs were renowned for their cutting edge weapons technology including the V-1 and V-2. The US makes no bones about making the most lethal (and costly) weapons on Earth. Israel has a major defense industry that develops new weapons such as Iron Dome with US subsidies, then markets them around the world.

And there is your uncomfortable truth.

Yesterday I updated my website and put my URL to good use. You can now go directly to my main site at which has links to different news sources, and also this blog.

Finding honest and independent news articles and blogs is a treasure in a time of deceit. I hope you find my articles interesting and thought provoking. I try to vary the subjects, and keep things fresh. My main theme throughout all my articles is to find the truth, and to encourage independent thought and support liberty throughout. Remember that independence and freedom starts from within, so always keep an open mind, and go out there and find the truth.

The beauty of thought

I spent Saturday taking pictures at a wedding with my wife. Despite all the evils in the world, all the silly games and plundering, there was still joy to be found in the individual. We took photographs for a young couple about the same age as us. They had been together almost as long as we had, and were embarking on a journey together as husband and wife. It is a pleasant experience to capture the joy of a couple like that, and frame those moments for the rest of their lifetimes.

My articles are highly controversial and thought provoking. I am not afraid to rattle other people’s cages. I’ll shake your foundations and challenge your current thought process because what we’re told to think is not always the way things should be. I challenge you to think outside of the box with your own independent mindset. After all, freedom and independence starts with thoughts, with the individual, then the expression of those thoughts.

My father-in-law is a highly controversial figure in the greater Cincinnati area, some of his articles and statements dumbfound readers and listeners. He thinks outside of the box, and challenges the establishment. I agree with most of the things he says, if not all of them, but I love how he isn’t afraid to throw issues out there for what they are.

My sister-in-law’s fiance just started his own blog about Christianity. Though I’m not particularly religious, I like how he is pursuing a creative endeavor to help others.

My wife has a photography blog, she sees the world in a very positive and creative light. I have her to thank for the peace and happiness I feel inside.

I am surrounded by creative people who think outside of the box. My take on issues is different than all of them, but each of us respects the others thoughts, because your thoughts are your first declaration of independence. So put your flag in the ground and write/talk about what you believe in and why, and don’t be afraid to challenge others, or be challenged yourself. Often when we meet opposing views, we find that we need to look for more information to support our case. If your case gets strengthened by what you find; great. If your case gets weakened, perhaps it is you who need to change your position, or at least find out more before you continue down the same old road.

The beauty of thought is that each is your own, and thoughts spiral a web of interesting ideas and information. Declare independence from the establishment, from the norm and from the conformed, and make each thought your own.

The truth about September 11th 2001?

Why should we not question 9/11? Why should we allow the incomplete investigation of 9/11 and the bias media tell us that Muslim radicals destroyed the towers, when the evidence is incomplete?

‘Question with boldness, even the existence of god’ – Thomas Jefferson

9/11 has been used as the catalyst for a series of dreadful events in the last decade, including the invasion and occupation of both Afghanistan and Iraq. Ironically Iraq has been an enemy of Israel since its formation. Does it not seem strange that we are encouraged to hate the Muslims from the Zionist controlled government and media when it is the Zionist Israelis that had everything to gain from the September 11th attacks?

Please watch all the videos in this article and make up your own mind.

Why are we told time and time again not to question 9/11? why are we made to feel like we are terrorists ourselves to question the horrific event? Is it not better justice for the victims of 9/11 to question every detail about that horrible day? Should be not completely and conclusively find out exactly who caused it? Should we not discard emotions and trust toward our elected officials, when they may have had something to do with it? So many people are quick to say that it could never be one of our own people who caused 9/11, and yet Timothy McVeigh was American, was he not? Did he not blow up an American building on American soil, killing innocent Americans? Why do we use childish conceptions that allegiance to ones own country would mean that you could never harm it? And yet we see the rise of dictators and their followers the world over.

I do not buy the idea that Al Qaeda was completely behind 9/11. It seems that the Zionist faction of Israel gained a lot from these horrific events, and indeed seemed to have something to do with it.

Throw away your old misconceptions, wake up, get away from the mass media, and do your own independent research. At first you will not like what you find, but it will be the truth, and from there, your real education begins, and from there, you can do something to stop the atrocities being committed by the real criminals.

The Zionists are everywhere

Since writing this I have learned of other groups which are at play. I wrote this during the ‘Ron Paul Revolution’ and the Libertarian phase I was going through. Since then President Obama and his Communist sympathizers have done much to pacify our nation. Russian aggression against its neighbors, the annexation of the Crimea, and the rise of ISIS in the Middle East, have a great cause for concern. Question everything with boldness. – Paul Townsend 12/18/14

We have been told by many of those on the right that it is the Muslim radicals that we should fear. And yet, it is the Zionists who are in control of our nation.

Make no mistake about it, the Zionists rule this country:

High Ranking members of our government are Zionists:

Rahm Emanuel:

Henry Kissinger:

Joe Biden:

Even our preselected leaders are all Zionists:

Bill Clinton:

George Bush:

President Obama:

Our candidates for president:

Newt Gingrich

Mitt Romney:

John McCain:

Every aspect of American life is currently dominated by the Zionists. They control the banks, the politicians, Hollywood and the media. We are led to believe that Israel is a source of good in the world, and that anyone who opposes the state is evil. We are encouraged to fight amongst ourselves for ‘democrats’ or ‘republicans’, even though they are two faces on the same head. All our current ‘issues’ are simply daily distractions to keep us too busy arguing instead of finding out the truth.

Every time someone tries to exploit the Zionists, they are ridiculed by the Zionist controlled media and labeled an ‘anti Semite’:

Even Glenn Beck is a Zionist, which would explain why he is so protective of Israel and why he consistently discredits Ron Paul, even though he has all the perfect credentials to become a constitutional president.

This video shows exactly how the Israeli Zionists hate Ron Paul:

After all; how could they ever allow such a patriotic American to hold the office of the president when they are so close to WWIII and world domination?

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The picture below is the cover from a Spanish book. It illustrates that Zionists control the Banks, the Christians, the Nazis, the Communists, and the Masons:

1. The Basic Doctrine

  1. Putting aside fine phrases we shall speak of the significance of each thought: by comparisons and deductions we shall throw light upon surrounding facts.
  2. What I am about to set forth, then, is our system from the two points of view, that of ourselves and that of the GOYIM [i.e., non-Jews].
  3. It must be noted that men with bad instincts are more in number than the good, and therefore the best results in governing them are attained by violence and terrorisation, and not by academic discussions. Every man aims at power, everyone would like to become a dictator if only he could, and rare indeed are the men who would not be willing to sacrifice the welfare of all for the sake of securing their own welfare.
  4. What has restrained the beasts of prey who are called men? What has served for their guidance hitherto?
  5. In the beginnings of the structure of society, they were subjected to brutal and blind force; after words – to Law, which is the same force, only disguised. I draw the conclusion that by the law of nature right lies in force.

The protocols of the learned elders of Zion has been used on America, it was even used on Hitler. We are led to believe that we should not question Israelis of the extremism of Zionist Jews because of the atrocities of the holocaust. The sickening fact is that it was simply a front to make us look in the other direction while millions of humans the world over have been massacred in the name of a one world government.

The basic premise of the protocols is that the end justifies the means. Here is a one page summary…

Goyim are mentally inferior to Jews and can’t run their nations properly.  For their sake and ours, we need to abolish their governments and replace them with a single government.  This will take a long time and involve much bloodshed, but it’s for a good cause.  Here’s what we’ll need to do:

Eventually the Goyim will be so angry with their governments (because we’ll blame them for the resulting mess) that they’ll gladly have us take over.  We will then appoint a descendant of David to be King of the World, and the remaining Goyim will bow down and sing his praises.  Everyone will live in peace and obedient order under his glorious rule.

What I’ve been trying to say lately is really defined in this article. All the silly in-fighting between left vs right is a complete misconception sponsored by the media. All the notions that ‘the terrorists’ are out to get us, is bloated also. No one is coming after us except ourselves. We are the ones who are causing our own suffering. The sooner we shrug off the shackles of the elites, the media, and all their silly little games, the sooner we can get back to freedom in our country.

The Zionist Illuminati

This has become one of my most popular articles since writing it almost three years ago. While I am concerned about Zionist influence in our media and culture, I believe there are many factions at play. When I wrote this I had just discovered the ‘Zionist Illuminati’ and since then I have found many other cults that are of concern. Do not get wrapped up around one theory, as there are many. Keep an open mind, and always question with boldness. – Paul Townsend 12/17/14


“I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it.” – Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, October 3rd, 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.

The Zionist Illuminati with their New World Order objective, have infected both the left and the right side of political America. In fact, they have infected most of the world.

Most Jews are peace loving, just as most Christians, Muslims and other religious followers are. But as with all of them, there is an ‘extreme’ element that is very sinister in its motives.

The Zionist Illuminate believe in a New World Order and One World Government, while also limiting the world’s population.

On the left side of the political spectrum you have the Zionist Progressives, of which many democrats are a part of, and on the right, you have the Zionist Neo-Conservatives of which many republicans are a part of.

The Zionist Agenda: They Totally Control Goliath


 By: Ted Lang


Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism; the latter term has been corrupted to where today its use is as a powerful word weapon smear tactic to prevent Americans from discussing, realizing, and reacting to the horrific danger that Zionism presents to not only our nation, but also to the peace, safety and freedom of the entire world. And that threat can be summarized as the Zionist’s “global agenda.”

Few Americans are aware that the statist Jews that created Israel were under the direction, funding, support and protection of the Zionist, communist, Rothschild-led international banking cartel. And this group of secret, international bankers, often referred to as the Illuminati, was behind the Balfour Declaration, the Versailles Treaty, and America’s involvement in both World Wars I and II. Millions of people have been murdered, maimed, enslaved and impoverished by this secret, Zionist and communist banking cartel. And the Bush family has been on board with them and has been a key part of their operation, especially as regards their funding and support of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, since the 1920s.

Before a real foe can be attacked, that foe must be seen and recognized as such. And before that foe can be stopped, one must know his immediate intent, his methods, and hopefully, his ultimate objective. The term “anti-Semitic” was created by the very same organizations that worked side by side with Adolf Hitler and his Nazis to exterminate orthodox, Torah-obedient and peace-loving Jews. These very same “anti-defamation league” types are the very same genocidal murderers of Jews during Hitler’s time. Most Americans are clueless about this important fact.

Once again, Dr. Henry Makow has thrown a monumental lead block into the rushing, advancing line of Zionist liars and propagandists. His June 28th column on Ether Zone entitled, “Zionism – A Conspiracy Against Jews,” is yet another trail-blazing exposé that helps to uncover what is rapidly becoming the most dangerous threat to Mankind. Makow offers: “Why retell this story of Zionist-Nazi cooperation now? Because ‘Jewish’ leaders have been exploiting their ‘lesser brethren’ for a long time, and are doing so today. Ordinary Jews pay the price and this price could rise.” This has always been the progressive modus operandi of the Zionists: attack, besmirch, kill and plunder in the name of Jewry, and then scream “anti-Semitism” when anyone complains.

Makow continues: “In my opinion, Zionism is a movement to deceive Jews into advancing the objectives of British imperialism. (See, The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism.) Zionists who have built their lives on a false premise naturally will reject this view. Specifically, Jews helped the British-Jewish elite colonize the oil-rich Middle East under the pretext of Jews needing a national home. Despite the appearance of neutrality, the British (and Americans) financed, trained and equipped the Jews. (John Coleman, Diplomacy by Deception p. 107.) The ‘British’ are really the London-based international banking cartel associated with names like Rothschild and Rockefeller. It doesn’t answer to any government. Its goal is to colonize the world and everyone in it. Jews are a means to this end. As seen in Iraq, Zionists (a.k.a Neocons) play a major role in the colonization of the Middle East. The important thing to remember is that Israelis the creation of this cartel; both Israel and the US are its tools.”

Occasionally, the term “Illuminati” is used instead of the burdensome “Zionist, communist, Rothschild-led secret international banking cartel.” That is a very top-heavy description; but, on the other hand, “Illuminati” is too abbreviated to be enlightening. I prefer the term “Zionist Illuminati.” There is absolutely nothing wrong with this term; it is brief, and much more descriptive of the moneyed, communist secret society that is undermining America in every way imaginable.

The Zionist Illuminati are the driving force behind a one-world government New World Order. Why do the multi zillionaire international bankers, communists, and neo-Nazi Jews or Zionists want a New World Order? Makow explains: “All money is created in the form of debt to the privately owned banking cartel. Imagine if you could create money out of thin air. Imagine you have the credit cards of all the nations in your pocket. Your first impulse is to lend money to your nominees so they can buy most of the world’s real wealth for you. Your second impulse is to establish a totalitarian system (‘world government’ ‘globalization’) to prevent any nation from challenging this system or defaulting on their ‘debt’ to you. To make them accept ‘world government,’ you need to weaken them by having them fight among themselves, run up huge debts for armaments (which you will sell them), kill off the cream of their manhood, and become demoralized and decadent. You accomplish this through your ownership of politicians and the press and your control of MI-6, CIA, [and] Mossad who carry out terror and assassinations for you. This is the real history of the last 300 years.”

Makow elaborates: “‘World government’ is really about using debt to enslave us; it is an international loan collection agency. Naturally you will shroud this with talk about tolerance, human rights and preventing war. A quote from a 1924 edition of the American Banker’s Association Digest sums up what is currently happening. Keep this in mind when you vote. ‘When, through the process of law, the common people lose their homes, they will become more docile and more easily governed through the strong arm of government applied by a central power of wealth under leading financiers. These truths are well known among our principal men who are now engaged in forming imperialism to govern the world. By dividing the voter through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting for questions of no importance.’”

It may seem foolish to repeat verbatim what Makow has already offered, but there is an important lesson here. There exists a driving, powerful international force that plans, engineers, and makes things happen. I reiterate once again FDR’s observation that nothing in politics just happens – everything is planned. And what happens if conspiracy theories like that offered by Makow prove to be wrong – what would be the harm? But what would be the result if Makow is right, and we the people do nothing? Clearly, the better option is to assume that Makow is right and that Rush Limbaugh is a fool, a liar, a Zionist stooge, or all of these.

It is common knowledge that all the Jewish-sounding names in President George W. Bush’s Pentagon and military advisor group are transferees from the pro-Israel, neoconservative, Project for the New American Century group. It was this secretive, Zionist PNAC cabal that turned the Bush administration’s military might and America’s anger away from the al-Qaeda terrorists based in Afghanistan and focused them instead on innocent Iraq. And perhaps Iraq wasn’t 100 percent innocent; perhaps there was some remote flimsy connection. But solid evidence that a 9-11 collaboration transpired such that it justified a unilateral, preemptive and unnecessary attack on Iraq has never been produced. But the Zionist PNACers have an agenda, and one not shared by or with the American people.

The anger turned against Iraq was easily accomplished via the Zionist-controlled, corporate media. Now here’s where the greatest danger to America exists. Again, Jewish-sounding names can be found: Redstone, Sulzberger, Newhouse, Eisner, Bloomberg, etc. Is it “anti-Semitic” to point this out, or is this rock solid reality? Is it “anti-Semitic” to point out all the Jewish-sounding names of the lawyers in the “very rich and powerful” [Bill O’Reilly] American Civil Liberties Union? The ACLU also has documented, irrefutable beginnings as a communist organization, just as is the case with the Trotsky-connected neoconservatives that make up Bush’s PNAC cabal. And again, what greater organization spews more “anti-Semitic” allegations than the Anti Defamation League of B’nai B’rith?

Remember how Tarpley and Chaitkin [George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography] described the way the Zionist B’nai B’rith, the Zionist American-Jewish Committee, and the Zionist Sulzberger – owned New York Times, all cooperated with the Rothschild banking cabal through its agent Max Warburg, whose brother, Paul Warburg, founded the United States Federal Reserve? “This seal of approval for Hitler, coming from a famous Jew, was just what Harriman and Bush required, for they anticipated rather serious ‘alarm’ inside theU.S.A.against their Nazi operations.” And, ” … on March 31, 1933, the American-Jewish Committee, controlled by the Warburgs, and the B’nai B’rith, heavily influenced by the Sulzbergers (New York Times), issued a formal, official joint statement of the two organizations, counseling ‘that no American boycott against Germany be encouraged,’ and advising ‘that no further mass meetings be held or similar forms of agitation be employed.’”

This is the same anti-Defamation League Zionists of B’nai B’rith that screamed “anti-Semitism!” and did everything they could via their Hollywood Zionist connections to block the distribution of Christian Mel Gibson’s film, The Passion of The Christ. And isn’t it the Zionist, communist, and very rich ACLU, that has been roaming America from town to town to ban permanently from our culture Nativity scenes and displays celebrating the highest Christian holy day in America, namely Christmas? Haven’t the clever Zionist lawyers been using our freedoms and our own laws against us? And hasn’t the Zionist ADL joined forces with Sarah Brady to ram gun control down our throats all across America?

Wasn’t it the Zionist family of Samuel Newhouse and its Newark Star-Ledger of New Jersey that launched the initial salvo against the Boy Scouts of America, a campaign that is mercilessly hounding and defunding Scout Troops across the nation hoping to abolish them, and along with them the morality and honor the Scouts try to inculcate in each boy? The Newhouse organization was the lead in replacing sodomy and homosexuality for the Scouts’ “morally straight” oath. In the Mid West, Newhouse News Service has been performing above-average “journalistic” coverage of University of Missouri-Kansas City Professor Harris Mirkin’s writings encouraging pedophilia.

Our nation is under attack by the Zionist Illuminati on all fronts. The Zionist Illuminati, acting through their Zionist corporate media, surreptitiously and remotely control public opinion, encourage and agitate special, superior rights for female communists [feminism] and homosexuals [human rights] in order to destroy the number one building block of our society; namely, the normal, religious family of two legally married heterosexual parents with children.

Under the guise of “tolerance,” Zionists are advocating homosexuality, feminism, and pedophilia and viciously attacking Christianity through their communist ACLU in order to destroy American society and its moral fiber. Under the guise of “separation of church and state,” a term originated by Thomas Jefferson and used completely out of context by former Chief Justice Earl Warren of the so-called Supreme Court, legalistic abolition of moral accountability to God, as well as the celebration of Christmas, Easter, and Christianity itself along with the Ten Commandments, all are now earmarked for extinction to rid America of its national character, identity, resolve and its national sovereignty.

These dangerous Zionist organizations must be identified, examined, challenged, and neutralized, charges of “anti-Semitism” notwithstanding. Zionist control of our news and entertainment media, to include TV network news, TV entertainment programs, Hollywood, newspapers, magazines, radio [even Limbaugh and Hannity “talk” radio], represents the means to justify an end to America.America is only vital to Zionism in terms of the military might that can be commandeered by Israel, and the enormous taxpayer funds that can be funneled to Israel due to its failed socialist economy. The problem for them is an American freedom-oriented and armed populace, which present a major threat and obstacle to the Zionist Illuminati’s agenda for a New World Order directly under their control.

“Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”


Ted Lang is a columnist for the The Patriotist and the Sierra Times. He is a regular columnist for Ether Zone. Ted Lang can be reached

Published in the July 6, 2004 issue of Ether Zone.
Copyright © 1997 – 2004 Ether Zone.

The Zionists Completely Control the media:

“Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial.” – Ariel Sharon

We have been told over and over again that we need to fear the Muslim radicals, and yet it is the Zionists who have gained control of almost every aspect of our lives.

Just like the magicians trick of ‘look at my left hand while I do something else with my right hand’, the Zionists have taken over this country. I think it’s time you start doing your own research and start looking at the real problems in this country, instead of listening to everything the ‘mainstream media’ tells you.

America is being used, and there are many wolves in sheep’s clothing. Remember the constitution, and remember the founding principles, stand for liberty and peace, and stop going with the crowd when it comes to electing politicians. Always look for the man behind the curtain, and then look for the man pulling his strings, and then the string maker, because there are lies upon lies upon lies in this world, and you should never be so naive as to believe everything you hear on the television, in fact you should reject the majority of it entirely. The Illuminati have you under their influence, and they’ll use you all against each other.

What’s up with Israel?

US politicians and people like Glenn Beck profess their love for Israel whenever the subject of the Middle East comes up. But they never talk about how Israel came about, or its bloody uprising.

This documentary shows an unbiased view of the birth of Israel:

So what do the Nazis and Israelis have in common?

Both Nazi Germany and Israel have occupied lands that did not belong to them. Both came about by war and bloody struggle, and both massacred innocent civilians. Why is it that because of what happened during the holocaust in Nazi Germany in Europe, that we can somehow justify the expulsion of Palestinians from their native lands in the Middle East?

What happened during the holocaust was terrible and unimaginable. But what many in the world do not realize, or rather ignore; is that many ethnic cleansing and brutal murders on a massive scale, have happened since. Just look at Bosnia, Rwanda, and Somalia. Just in the last couple of decades many hundreds of thousands of people have been murdered. Why do we feel the need to justify Israel’s occupation of Palestine because of what the Nazi’s in Europe did to the Jews during the early 1940’s? Does it not seem ironic to you that we support a regime that now shows similarities to the very evil they themselves fled from?

Why do we support an occupying regime in the Middle East, just because it professes to be a democracy? Why do we denigrate Iran for being ‘extreme’ when we are the ones who overthrew its leader when they attempted to form their own democracy?

Why do individuals allow themselves to get so wrapped up in a one sided view point? Arabs and Muslims are not evil; they do not want to kill us all, just as Christians and Jews are not all evil also. There is a very small percentage of each group that wants holy war, and it has been going on for hundreds of years.

Do not get sucked into such a way of thinking. It is a trap, and you will become a useful idiot.

My articles are highly controversial, and I rock the boat severely when it comes to politics. I don’t really fall into one category. My mode of thinking perplexes both those on the right and those on the left. But if we are to move forward in the world, if we are to restore this country, and become a beacon of hope for the world once more. We need to be able to sit down and intelligently think about how we conduct ourselves in the world. Remember that your comfort zone is your failure zone. Don’t get comfortable being a ‘conservative’ and don’t get comfortable being a ‘liberal’. Both sides will play you off against one another. They are both two faces on the same head. Don’t allow political pundits to manipulate your mind so that you become sedate in your actions.

I believe in liberty for all mankind, or at least an adherence toward it. Developed nations should strive to become an example for the world. Not try to force other nations to ‘comply’ with their demands. That is why I do not agree with the sanctions on Iran, and that is why I do not support Israel. If we truly wanted peace in the Middle East, we would withdraw our troops and go home. But we are not interested in that. We are simply and desperately interested in oil.

The case against Mitt Romney and the establishment

I will not endorse Mitt Romney because he is cut from the same cloth of all the other establishment politicians who have sidetracked our great republic over the last century.

The main reason that John McCain lost the 2008 election was because he was almost a carbon copy of George Bush. The same George Bush, who signed the patriot act and started up Guantanamo Bay. This same John McCain later went on to co-write the NDAA act. The same act that Mitt Romney supported, and that Barack Obama signed.

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are very similar. Mitt Romney introduced socialized medicine in Massachusetts, and Barack Obama copied this example when he signed Obama Care.

If you go to Mitt Romney’s campaign page you’ll see a lot of wording that looks like this; ‘an American century’. Which is curious, since ‘an American century’ is what the neocons came up with at the end of the last century, and helped provide a framework for this century.

The Neo Conservatives and their plan for a new American century has now come into fruition and we are now seeing the progression to an American dominated globe and a new world order. This is why I do not support Mitt Romney, nor Barack Obama and why the only candidate who I support is Ron Paul. There are many media talking heads, including Glenn Beck, who now profess the rise of socialism, and where they may be correct, they are wrong in suggesting that someone like Mitt Romney will help fix this.

If you do not support a candidate with a firm moral ground and a full understanding of the constitution, then you will be personally responsible for this country’s demise from liberty.

This country stands perilously close to a totalitarian society. We have now joined the ranks of communist Russia and Nazi Germany in regard to our own citizens as prisoners. It is time to wake up and take back our liberties. It is time to unite behind Ron Paul and overthrow the establishment. It is time to stop being afraid of ‘the other side’ winning, and realize that it is not about the left vs the right, but about us vs the state and all its bloated bureaucracy and control.