Take Action

The world belongs to those who take action.

I remember two months ago sitting in a hotel room overlooking Niagara Falls. The democrats had just won back the house. I felt sick to my stomach. The raving loony party was back in charge of policy making. I realized then that I needed to take action. Just because President Trump is sitting in the oval office, it doesn’t mean we should sit back. He needs our support if he is able to continue with the MAGA agenda.

Thinking of the house I remembered that it was won back by the republicans in 2010 with the tea party movement which started shortly after Barack Obama was elected. I realized then that I hadn’t been to a tea party since before President Trump was elected. I think it’s time I showed back up again.

There are Tea Party groups all over the country. There’s probably one close to you that you’ve never even heard about. Most of them are quite small, but are filled with like-minded people who wish to preserve and defend the constitution of the United States.

When I returned home from my trip out east in November I stared at my Oath of Allegiance and my naturalization certificate. I began to think of my son and the kind of country he’s growing up in. Things are good right now, but if the democrats gain real power (ie the Senate or the Presidency) then we’re heading for real trouble. Barack Obama was an awful president and the economy sucked during his tenure, but I fear it will be worse under another democrat as they are heading decidedly ever further to the authoritarian left. We see it with big tech, we see it with censorship and shadow bans and we see it with the lunatic bias of the mainstream media. Something must be done.

We are the ones to do it.

When I became a citizen I started this blog. It was called abundant truth and it began very innocently with me expressing my opinions on the constitution, this country and current events. After a year or so my posts began to fade and I got busy with life. I began to vote and I felt like I did my bit and eventually president Trump was elected. But now with a resurgence from the democrat party, we must as President Trump once put it “fight fire with fire.”

So how can you do your part? Simple. Take a course on the constitution, find your local tea party and attend an event. Start a blog post. Talk to your like-minded friends and family. Teach your children! The journey of a thousand miles as the say, starts with a single step.

I have taken this old blog, renamed it and will start pumping out new content. I hope you find it useful.

It is up to us, each and every one of us, to do our part. I hope that my content inspires you to do yours and together we will continue to Make America Great Again.

Published by

Paul Townsend

Paul is a freelance writer who grew up in the UK and became an American citizen.

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