The First Step in Saving America

Saving America from socialism starts at home. When you board a plane the safety demonstration always tells you to put your own oxygen mask on first before helping others.

Stop trying to change the world. That doesn’t work. Start by changing yourself. Think about what you are doing, what are your contributions? What classes are you taking? What meetings are you attending? Which amendments are you practicing? Who are you teaching?

We lead by example and by taking our own steps we show others the way. A lot of people exclaim “we need to do something!” What they’re really saying is “you need to do something!” Otherwise they would already be doing it.

Politics is very divisive, particularly in this current environment. It would be very easy to fall down a rabbit hole of negativity and bashing those with opposing views. I think it is better to express our opinions openly and take the time to research what we are talking about. The more informed we are, the better we can give calm measured responses to those who question us.

You’re never going to get through to a person who is hardcore into their political position, but by being calm and logically stating your case, you might get through to a couple of people listening to your argument.

The better educated we each are, the better off our families, communities and country will be. The first step in saving America is by saving and improving yourself.

Published by

Paul Townsend

Paul is a freelance writer who grew up in the UK and became an American citizen.

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