Talking about my generation

My generation is now experiencing first hand the fall out of bad governance, crony corporatism, special interests, and interventionism.

My generation is growing up into an encroaching police state. Our country is completely divided, while some people cling to the left, and some people cling to the right. But the problems lie much deeper than that.

Our currency is now completely off the gold standard and is now backed by nothing. This fiat currency loses more and more value every day. Never in human history has a country survived on fiat currancy alone. Our 41’st anniversary with fiat currency just went by.

To go along with the fiat currancy, we also have an unprecedented amount of debt. Never in human history has a country accumulated so much debt. And all nations that do not resolve their debt problems go into decline.

Wars are expensive. Not only are they bloody and brutal, but the costs of maintaining them always drags down a nation’s wealth and resources. As of right now, we have over one hundred military bases around the world, and are engaged in a number of conflicts. Including the war in Afghanistan, and using drones and hellfire missiles to kill people in Pakistan and many other middle eastern and African countries.

Our elections are now completely fraudulent. In the 2000 presidential election we caught our first taste of this. And during the primaries this year, there have been many reports and law suits filled over the GOP’s handling of the nomination process. There are accusations of Ron Paul’s votes being counted as Romney’s, and counties that weren’t even allowed to vote. It seems that the GOP can’t even play by its own rules.

With my generation the buck stops here. We are no longer able to tollerate the charade of political deception being played by the establishment and enshrined in the media.

When I came to this country, I learned a lot about freedom and individual liberties. It’s the kind of knowledge that once you know, you don’t forget. In fact, once you know it, you begin to espouse it, and you can’t stop talking about it. Once you know what true liberty and freedom is, it gets stuck in your veins, and you’ll fight to maintain it.

When I first moved here, and after the 2008 elections, I tuned in to fox news and discovered Glenn Beck. Up until the beginning of this year I loved the guy and everything that he stood for. But then things stopped adding up. Something seemed wrong to me. Some of the actions he was taking and things he was saying didn’t make sense, they didn’t add up. I felt like he was going against the very principles he stood for. After discovering these things, I came to the conclusion that he is either completely miscalculating with the information he receives, or that he is an agent of misinformation, here to take our thoughts and upsets at the government, and flip them right back around to continue the establishment, to further their agendas. The problem with people like Glenn Beck is that while they are right in most aspects. They are also wrong in many others, and this leads us into a false dichotomy, and does nothing to help our reasoning skills. Always take what you hear from others with a pinch of salt, don’t take it as prophesy.

One of the biggest problems we have is that our media establishment is completely bias. I’ve heard the Tea Party and Glenn Beck complain for years now that the liberal media is bias. Now where I don’t dispute that, I would point out that FOX News and many of the other ‘conservative’ news channels are bias also. In fact all the liberal and conservative channels are all geared toward the big government and big brother agenda in one way or another. All they have to do is get you to argue about trivial issues, and you end up missing the point entirely.

Corruption is rife in this country. Of course no country is void of it, but you see it even on a local level here. There are very few politicians in power who do not accept lobbying from one group or another. Congress is now no longer concerned with our well being, but completely concerned with furthering their own interests, their own profits and their own convoluted agendas.

The corrupt politicians, the crony businessmen, the sold out media, and all the special interests groups are all working hand in hand for their own agendas, while looting the wealth of the nation. This is a cycle that cannot continue and will collapse in on itself, taking many innocent people with it. If we cannot put a stop to it, we will go down as a nation, whether we self destruct as a police state, or fall into total anarchy, our future looks extremely bleak, if we continue on our present path.

So where do we go from here? And what can we do about it? How can we fix these problems?

For all their current faults I still admire The tea party. I like it when groups of people get together and try to hammer out solutions to pressing problems. The local tea party groups in my area have had much success at the state and local level.

I believe that the future of this country is to build from the ground up at local levels. To elect new congressmen and new senators. To go across the isle and vote for both democrat and republican candidates, based on their knowledge of the constitution and their explanations of how they would roll back government.

And finally, the best thing you can do as an individual is to speak out and build a better tomorrow. If more voices come into the fray, then our debates get livelier, and we can weed out the ideas that don’t work and find more common ground.

The problems that face my generation are unprecedented in our country’s history. It is no longer a simple case of voting for one side or the other. It will take a great deal of effort and awakening by the older generations to help steer our country back onto the path of liberty and prosperity.

Learn about the constitution, and have the guts to stand up for what is right, don’t just go along with the crowd or the establishment. The stance that you make and show to the younger generation will make a lasting impression. Remember that the future is always built, by the up and coming generation. So together, lets make sure we make it a good one!