Thoughts about libertarians and homosexuals

It’s hard to believe that it is already the middle of summer. 2014 has shot by for me so far. Between 50 – 60 hour work weeks, weddings, family gatherings, and helping my sister move to Ohio, I’ve literally not had a single minute to sit down and write.

I have however been keeping up with the news, the Obama administration’s endless list of scandals, and the many comings and goings of the world around us.

My viewpoints are beginning to change again. I find myself becoming more conservative in nature. Recently I watched Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘America, Imagine a world without her’ at the cinema, and I didn’t realize just how deeply the progressives have penetrated our society. Up until watching this movie I didn’t realize that Howard Zinn was a communist, and I didn’t realize that half of all slave owners were black.

I find myself beginning to pull away from Libertarian ideas. Lately I have found that many libertarians are only interested in pushing gay marriage and legalizing drugs. I have seen very little from the movement in opening up free market capitalism, and other forces for true freedom.

While I personally do not think gays should be stoned to death or anything of the like, frankly it’s none of my, nor the government’s business what you get up to in the bedroom, I do not think gay marriage should be ‘legalized’. Honestly I don’t think gay and marriage should even be in the same sentence. The definition of marriage is between a man and a women, connected in holy matrimony. It’s supposed to be significant. It’s supposed to be meaningful. It’s supposed to be the commitment of two souls, to face the world, for the rest of their lives, no matter what the odds.

I have seen too many libertarians get married then divorced, like taking off a pair of shoes because they no longer liked the way they fit. These same people want homosexuals to be able to get married and divorced willy nilly also, like it’s dress up or make believe. This is the real world, not some fantasy where you get to change the rules every ten seconds. Marriage is supposed to be a higher ideal, not a bottle of lip gloss.


If you’re homosexual, if you’re attracted to the same sex, if you want to spend your life with that other person, so be it, it’s none of my business what you do with your life. I won’t support the government coercing you into stopping your way of life. But this whole gay marriage issue has got to stop. It’s one thing to ask for some sort of civil union, its another entirely to redefine the definition of marriage. Also, if you want to be taken seriously, gay pride parades are not the way to do it. If you want to be treated like an adult, in an adult world, boys dressing up in flowery dresses, and dancing on floats in speedos are not the way to go about it. Like I said, I’m not against homosexuals, only against the idea of redefining marriage.

What I have found out is that the Libertarian party is largely funded by democrats, and its no surprise because the libertarians have been successful in fracturing the Republican party. In many ways this is a good thing, and I rode that wave because the Republican party has not kept to its principles for so long, and has become highly progressive. But as far as pushing open willy nilly issues such as gay marriage and drug legalization, are we not breaking down the fabric of a moral society? Are we not destroying the meaning of words to fit the progressive creed?

Think about it. This isn’t an attack on Libertarians or homosexuals, but rather a look at what we as a society are doing to ourselves. As I learned from watching ‘America’ the only way any nation can defeat this one, is if we rot away from within.

Redefining the meaning of words, tearing down the moral value of ideals, pushing openness and equality across the board without looking at what it truly means, is this really the way forward? Are you truly pushing for freedom, or trying to shove a warped view of reality onto others?

Take a deeper look at the issues you’re pushing. Do they actually benefit this nation, or do they help fracture it further?