America the beautiful

Watching Dinesh D’souza’s ‘America, Imagine a world without her’ has given me a new respect for this county.

Shortly after becoming a citizen, I was shocked to find the amount of corruption that goes on in day to day politics in this nation, and how far it has sunk over the last few decades. I was reading articles from all kinds of different subjects, and to be honest I was confused. I was upset that this nation’s citizens had allowed this country to falter. But it is only recently that I have found out just how deep the progressives have penetrated this nation, and how they have done so through an encroaching fashion.

It was only by watching Dinesh’s movie ‘America’ that I found out that Howard Zinn was a communist, and that half of all slave owners were black. The native Indians were mostly wiped out by disease, in a similar way that large swaths of Europeans were during the plague. Mexico was entirely taken over by America, but half of it was given back. Mexicans are forever trying to get into this county, but Americans never try to illegally move to Mexico.

What Dinesh D’souza successfully does in his movie, is debunk the progressive’s rallying cry about inequality and oppression. The progressives try to get you to feel bad about the way you live, so that you’ll follow their warped sense of ideals.

America is the only country on earth where you can come from any walk of life and be treated the same. America is the only country where we call our waiters ‘sir’. America is the only country where you can go from rags to riches, and still be treated as royalty, no matter what your background.

America is the only nation born out of liberty.

Just look at the declaration of independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, thatĀ all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these areĀ Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The constitution and the bill of rights were designed to keep our liberties in check for centuries to come, no matter how bad an administration may become. Today we see our amendments standing up to the tyrannical winds from the progressive movement.

If enough people stand up for what is right, for what they believe in, and for what our founders fought for, then no one can take these freedoms away from us.


America is beautiful, not because of its geographical location, but because of its ideals. Stand up and be heard, and do not let these progressives, who are really in the minority, stand in the way.